Saturday, August 31, 2019
Analysis of “The Seduction”
The Seduction is a poem written by Eileen McCauley. It is about a young and vulnerable sixteen year old girl whose head is filled with thoughts about love and romance portrayed in teenage magazines. These fake ideals lead her to believe that a boy, whom she meets at a party, truly loves her, when really he is just getting her drunk so her resistance will be lower and she will give in to what he wants from her: sex. Three months later she discovers that she is pregnant, she blames teen magazines for filling her head with false ideal of romance.In the very first verse of the poem, the writer introduces the scene of the poem, â€Å"He led her to the quiet bricks of the Birkenhead docks, far past the silver stream of the traffic throughout the city, far from the blind windows of the tower blocks. †This tells us of how there is nobody around to witness what they do. It becomes clear to the reader at the beginning of the poem that he is trying to get her drunk, as when the poet is describing the moment they met, one of the first things he is doing is buying her drinks. We also see this at a later stage when they are at the docks. He handed her the vodka†– this quote proves that he is making an effort to try and get the girl drunk because the alcohol will affect her decisions and causes her to agree to things she normally wouldn’t. Also In the second verse, the boy mutters â€Å"little slag. †This shows us that the boy thinks very little of the girl and lacks respect for women. We then discover that the girl is under some sort of spell because as he talked about football, â€Å"she had nodded, quite enchanted†this shows us that she is keen to listen to what he has to say. With his eyes as blue as iodine†– the use of the word ‘iodine’ used to describe his eyes suggests that there is something dark about him as iodine is a dark blue/black acid. In the fifth stanza, the boy mentions that he goes down to the river when he should be in school or having dinner with â€Å"a bag of shimmering paint thinner. †This shows us that he doesn’t spend much, if any time in school and that he uses the paint thinner as a drug. If the girl was sober, this would be a clear sign to stay away from him but he has lowered her resistance by getting her drunk.We can tell that the girl is a young teenager who enjoys school and wants to do well as she talks about her education in an enthusiastic way. The beginning of the sixth stanza makes us realise how precocious this girl really is, â€Å"so she followed him there, all high white shoes, all wide blue eyes and bottles of vodka. †This sentence shows us that she is trying to grow up too fast because this is what the magazines made her believe was the right thing to do. The poets then says â€Å"then when he swiftly contrived to kiss her, his kiss was scented by Listerine†this tells us that he was prepared for what he wanted to do.Even though we realise that the girl is very precocious, we discover how immature she actually is as it says â€Å"she stifled a giggle, reminded of numerous stories from teenage magazines†this also tells us that she has read about moments like these but hasn’t experienced them until now. The next stanza begins with â€Å"When she discovers she was three months gone†this shows us that the poet has used euphemism to emphasise the harsh reality of what this girl is going through. And she ripped up all her My Guy and Jackie photo comics†I think she does this because the magazines are what filled her head with false ideals about what romance and love should be like. She is angry that the media lied to her and that’s why she ripped then all up. The next stanza then says â€Å"and on that day, she broke the heels of her high white shoes and flung them at the wall†she does this because they were the shoes she wore on the night of the part y to make her look and feel older.She doesn’t want them anymore as she realises that she doesn’t want to be older because of the massive problem that she is faced with. The eighth stanza is mainly telling us about what the magazines have told this girl about what her life should be like â€Å"full of glitzy fashion features and stories of love and romance, where strangers could lead you to bright new worlds, and how would you know if you never took a chance? †This reflects on the consequences of what she did last night and how the media made her think she should take a chance.The ninth stanza says â€Å"full of fresh fruit diets†this shows us that she won’t be able to try out any of these diets as she is now three months pregnant. â€Å"Now with a softly rounded belly, she was sickened every morning by stupid stupid promises, only tacitly made†This shows us that she is reminded every morning of the huge mistake that she made that night. A lso the word â€Å"stupid†is repeated twice, maybe to emphasise that she regrets her actions a lot.The poet then states in the ten and eleventh stanza the things that the girl would be missing out on. This reminds us that the girl is so young and is faced with problems that she shouldn’t have to face at that age. â€Å"With a glass of lager-shandy, on a carpeted floor†this sentence makes the fantasy of romance seem far better than what is really is. The use of the words â€Å"carpeted floor†makes it seem luxurious and â€Å"lager shandy†makes it seem much more innocent as it is a lighter drink than the vodka she drunk the night of the party.In the last few stanzas, the poet states things that the girl would rather do than become pregnant â€Å"But then again, better to be smoking scented drugs or festering, invisibly unemployed†This shows us that she is almost going into a state of depression. She then describes being ‘stuck in a feminine void’, which basically means accidentally becoming pregnant. In the very last stanza, it becomes clear to us that she is very ashamed of herself because the poet says â€Å"better to turn away, move away, fade away, than to have the neighbours whisper ‘you always looked the type. ’
Friday, August 30, 2019
Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
The S. A. was, essentially, the private army of the NSDAP. During the years of endemic violence in Germany after its defeat in the First World War until 1925, and again after 1930, after the prosperity brought by the Young plan evaporated with the Wall Street Crash of October 1929, such private armies were commonplace, and indeed necessary. Many members of the S. A. had come out of the defeated German army, and were in effect mercenary thugs. The principal attraction of the S. A. to many of its members was not the political ideology of the party for which it worked (although a great many of them were probably Nazi sympathizers), but rather its pomp, regalia and display (the S. A. wore the uniform of the defeated German army, evoking patriotic spirit among both its members and the general public), which were used to great effect to boost party membership (indeed, this was one of the main aims of the S. A.) and to attract new sympathizers. The main job of the S. A. was to provide security for the Nazi party, particularly at its rallies, which could easily have been ruined with the presence of a few hardcore opposition supporters intent on causing damage to their political enemies; equally, the S. A. was designed to disrupt the meetings of opposition parties, and to attack (physically, rather than verbally) their politicians, and, particularly when the Nazis were in power, the Jews. The S. A. offered stability to its members, in a time at which unemployment was astronomically high; it also gave a sense of purpose to its more politically motivated members, who may well have felt that they were fighting for the good of the Fatherland. Indeed, the ideologies of members of the S. A. varied widely, from the nationalist conservatives in the army whose views verged on the fascist, to those with strong socialist sympathies, such as Rohm, the leader of the S. A. until the ‘Night of the Long Knives' in June 1934. b. Explain the reasons why the Wall Street Crash was important to the success of the Nazis after 1929. The main effect of the Wall Street Crash of October 1929 on the politics of Germany was the polarization of political opinion that it caused. The Crash caused the United States to recall the loans that it had made to Germany (and to other European powers, although they were less badly affected than Germany because they owed less money to the US, as Germany was being rebuilt almost entirely with US money after the war), thus causing economic chaos. A banking crisis led to a sharp drop in spending, causing businesses to go bankrupt, and thus causing mass unemployment. The people that lost out the most were the middle classes, as the very rich had enough money that they could get by easily, and the poor were mostly agricultural workers, who could survive by subsistence farming and selling their goods, which were essential to everyone. Almost all of the more enthusiastic supporters of the democratic Weimar republic also came from the middle classes, and with the collapse in their way of life caused by the Wall Street Crash and subsequent financial crisis in Germany, the government inevitably shouldered much of the blame. With most of the government's support having evaporated, people inevitably looked to alternative systems of rule – principally those at almost diametrically opposite ends of the spectrum: the nationalist ultra-conservative Nazi party, who promised to sort out the country, and the Communists and Socialists (Russia had been unaffected by the Wall Street Crash, owing to the fact that private ownership of land – and thus the mortgages upon which people in Germany had to default – was forbidden). It is worth remembering that the Nazi party was not the only party to which people turned in the times of hardship after the Wall Street Crash. While the support for Weimar universally collapsed, both the Communists and Nazis gained seats in the September 1930 Reichstag elections (although the Nazis did so in far greater quantity – their number of seats rose by 983% in the elections, as opposed to the Communists' relatively meagre forty-three percent rise). However, it is certain that this huge rise in popularity was caused, for the most part, by the middle classes deserting Weimar, and giving their support to the Nazi Party, which was, after all, far more respectable than the Communist Party. So convinced were many industrialists (notably the Thyssen and Schnitzler families) by Hitler's anti-communist promises that they gave large sums of money to the Nazi party, a fact which demonstrates the respect given to the Nazi Party by many people held in high regard. While the Wall Street Crash was a principal factor in the rise of the Nazi party, it was by no means the only one. The death in October 1929 of Gustav Stresemann, the extremely able Chancellor, struck another blow to the Weimar government, contributing to its loss of popular confidence. He was succeeded by Brunning, who imposed a rigorous economic policy of cuts, enforced by presidential decree from the aging von Hindenburg, which, although they may have been a possible solution to the economic problems of Germany, were deeply unpopular, and meant that still fewer middle class people supported the democratic system of government. His foreign policy, however, was remarkably similar to Hitler's – he talked of remilitarizing the Rhineland, and even of Anschluss with Austria. The blaming of the Communists and consequent elimination of opposition in the next elections after the Reichstag fire was also an extremely important factor in the NSDAP's gaining a majority in the Reichstag and thus eventual power, with Hitler as Chancellor. The Wall Street Crash was thus important to the rise of the Nazi party after 1929 because it resulted in an economic crisis in Germany, which precipitated a loss of confidence in the Weimar government from the middle classes. The hard times in Germany led to political polarization, and, while the Nazis were not the only beneficiaries of this, they certainly received a boost in their levels of support. However, it was not the only reason for their rise to power – the Reichstag fire and thus the elimination of opposition to the Nazi party, and before that, the death of Stresemann, both contributed to the NSDAP's rise to power.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Coca Cola Pr Crisis in Belgium
COCA-COLA CRISIS IN BELGIUM, 1999. Introduction The assignment given was to choose a case with an organization or person that suffered a PR crisis, and didn’t manage it correctly from a PR perspective, such as miss-communications with stakeholders, media etc. I chose to write about the crisis that happened in Belgium in 1999. I will analyze the steps the company took towards to solve the issue, explain what they did wrong, and give my own opinion on how they could’ve handled it better. I will end my case with a final conclusion, and what the situation is today. But firstly I will start by talking a little bit about the Coca-Cola Company.Company Profile The Coca-Cola Company is the global leader in the soft-drink industry, with world headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia. Coca-Cola and its subsidiaries employ nearly 30,000 people worldwide. Syrups, concentrates and beverage bases for Coca-Cola, the company's flagship brand, and more than 160 other soft-drink brands ar e manufactured and sold by Coca- Cola and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world. Approximately 70 percent of volume sales and 80 percent of profit come from outside the United States. The European market provides 26% of the company’s US$18B in revenues.Coca-Cola owns a 49% share of the European soft drink market, compared to Pepsi-Co’s 5%. Coca-Cola’s Corporate Mission Statement We exist to create value for our share owners on a long-term basis by building a business that enhances The Coca-Cola Company’s trademarks. This also is our ultimate commitment. As the world’s largest beverage company, we refresh that world. We do this by developing superior soft drinks, both carbonated and non-carbonated, and profitable nonalcoholic beverage systems that create value for our Company, our bottling partners, our customers, our share owners and the communities in which we do business.In creating value, we succeed or fail based on our abili ty to perform as worthy stewards of several key assets: 1. Coca-Cola, the world’s most recognized trademark, and other highly valuable trademarks. 2. The world’s most effective and pervasive distribution system. 3. Satisfied customers, to whom we earn a good profit selling our products. 4. Our people, who are ultimately responsible for building this enterprise. 5. Our abundant resources, which must be intelligently allocated. 6. Our strong global leadership in the beverage industry in particular and in the business world in general.Additionally, Coca-Cola has a stated commitment to social responsibility through philanthropy and good citizenship. The company's reputation for good corporate citizenship results from charitable donations, employee volunteerism, technical assistance and other demonstrations of support in thousands of communities worldwide. Coca-Cola Management From 1984 to 1997, Robert Goizueta ran Coca-Cola like; â€Å"a ship in calm waters†as we m ay say, it was going smoothly. In his 13 years at the helm of Coke as CEO, Goizueta transformed Coke from an Atlanta cola company to an international brand phenomenon.Analysts and employees alike viewed Goizueta like a â€Å"God. †In 1997, Doug Ivester succeeded Roberto Goizueta as CEO of Coke following Goizueta’s death from lung cancer. Ivester, an employee of the company since 1979, had previously been Goizueta’s right hand financial engineer and later his chief operating officer. On the face of it, the transition would appear seamless. Doug Ivester has often been described as a very â€Å"rational†man with a â€Å"bulldog†leadership style. James Chestnut, Coca-Cola’s chief financial officer, says Ivester is a â€Å"terribly rational†manager.He states, â€Å"Doug believes everything should go through a logical sequence. He’s fixed on where he wants the company to be. †Ivester’s recent focus had been on two potential acquisitions to increase Coca-Cola’s presence in Europe: Orangina in France and Cadbury Schweppes. The tactics Ivestor pursued to acquire Orangina and Schweppes, however, has been met with much criticism, especially by Europeans. A July article appearing in Fortune magazine summarized the conventional wisdom this way: â€Å"the way Coke went about the acquisitions – arrogantly, urgently, intensely – absolutely reflects Ivester’s personality.And it’s not working. †Other analysts who have followed Coca- Cola for years believe that if Goizueta were still running the company, controversy surrounding the recall in Europe would not be festering as it was under Ivester. The Source of the Problem The outbreaks appeared to be caused by two sources, contaminated carbon dioxide and fungicide sprayed on wooden pallets used to transport the product. The contaminated carbon dioxide found its way into the product at a bottler in Belgium.The comp any was unable to determine whether the carbon dioxide was already contaminated when the bottler received it or whether contamination occurred later, at the bottling facility. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Anton Amon, Coca-Cola’s chief scientist, said that, â€Å"contrary to Coke procedure, the plant wasn’t receiving certificates of analysis from the supplier of the gas, Aga Gas AB of Sweden. This certificate vouches for the purity of the CO2. †A CCE spokesman confirmed this statement and acknowledged that the company did not test the CO2 batch at the Antwerp plant.In either case, key quality control procedures were not followed. At the Coca-Cola bottling facility in Dunkirk, France, the plant received wooden pallets that had been sprayed with a fungicide that left a medicinal odor on a number of cans. Jennifer McCollum, a spokeswoman for Coca-Cola, described the substance as p-chloro-m-cresol or PCMC, â€Å"a chemical commonly found in wood pr eservatives and cleaning fluids. †The Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network (ECDIN) states that PCMC can be absorbed through the skin and cause redness, burning sensation, pain and skin burns.If inhaled, the chemical can cause symptoms such as cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, and may cause effects on the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. These more severe conditions are said to require large doses or chronic exposure to the chemical. Coca-Cola said that the substance was sprayed on approximately 800 pallets used to transport cans produced in Dunkirk to Belgium. The supplier of the pallets was said to be Dutch. The company, however, declined to name the company, stating only that it was not one of their regular suppliers.The foul odor is believed to have caused numerous symptoms, including upset stomachs, headaches and nausea after drinking the product. Dr. Hugo Botinck, medical director at St. Joseph’s Clinic in Belgium and one of the first physicians to see these patients, stated in an interview that affected persons were treated for, â€Å"headaches, dizziness, nausea and muscular vibration. †He added that, â€Å"some of them were vomiting, but there was no fever. †Bottling and International Distribution One of Coke’s greatest strengths lies in its ability to conduct business on a global scale while maintaining a â€Å"multilocal†approach.At the heart of this approach is the bottler system. Bottling companies are, with only a few exceptions, locally owned and operated by independent business people, native to the nations in which they are located, who are contractually authorized to sell products of The Coca-Cola Company. These facilities package and sell the company’s soft drinks within certain territorial boundaries and under conditions that ensure the highest standards of product quality and uniformity. Coca-Cola Ente rprises (CCE) manages most of the European bottlers. The Coca-Cola Company controls a 40% interest in CCE. Coca-Cola Belgium.Belgium was introduced to Coca-Cola in 1927. Today Belgium is among the world’s top 20 countries in terms of per capita consumption of Coca-Cola products. The Coca-Cola Company currently employs close to 2,000 people and serves up to 30,000 restaurants, supermarkets and other customers in that country. Coca-Cola France. Coca-Cola was introduced in France in 1933. Coke has been the number- one soft drink in France since 1966 with total sales doubling over the past eight years. Coca- Cola France employs more than 1,000 French citizens and has invested more than 3 billion francs in local economy since 1989.Today, French consumers drink an average of 88 servings of Coca- Cola products each year. External Factors Involved In May and June of 1999, it is fair to say that Coca-Cola executives vastly underestimated the sensitivity of European consumers to food c ontamination issues in light of the existing social and political environment. Contributing to the anxiety was the â€Å"mad-cow†crisis that had taken place three years earlier. Additionally, the Coke incident coincided with a recent governmental ban on the slaughter of pork and poultry in Belgium.Earlier in June, cancer-causing dioxin was found in a large shipment of meat, which was believed to have originated through contaminated animal feed. In the end, this scandal forced the resignation of Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dahaene as well as the country’s health minister. With the Belgian government facing elections on June 13, all political platforms were under scrutiny. In the wake of the Coke crisis, European government agencies were scrambling to protect their reputations as watchdogs, taking a high-profile role in contamination issues.Consumers had previously considered Coke invulnerable to contamination concerns due to the artificial, manufactured nature of t he product. In addition to its proximity to other food scares in Europe, the crisis also occurred at a time when Coke was looked upon unfavorably by the European Commission. Earlier in 1999, Coke had made plans to acquire Cadbury Schweppes brands around the world. The European Commission was opposed to this acquisition, viewing Coca-Cola as excessively dominant. The company was forced to scale back its acquisition plans. Coca-Cola’s ResponseBy the time the recall was completed, 249 cases of Coke-related sicknesses were reported throughout Europe, concentrated primarily in Belgium. A total of 15 million cases of product were recalled costing the bottler, Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), an estimated $103 million dollars. When the outbreak began, Coca-Cola executives waited several days to take action. Viewing the issue as low-priority, an apology to consumers was not issued until more than a week after the first public reports of illness. Top company officials did not arrive in Be lgium until June 18, ten days after the first incident was reported.The company’s casual and muted approach to the crisis was first made evident in its neglect to mention the May 12 incident – in which affected consumers suffered similar symptoms – once the other cases were reported, beginning in June. Ivester remained largely silent, at least publicly, throughout the crisis. He admitted that he happened to be in Coke’s Paris office on June 11, shortly after the first wave of illness reports surfaced, and was briefed in person on the Belgian situation. Ivester and Belgian Coke executives attributed the problem to a bad batch of carbon dioxide and â€Å"hardly a health hazard. The next day Ivester boarded a plane back to Atlanta, as planned. On June 14, the Belgium government ordered all Coca-Cola products off the market and halted production at bottling plants in Antwerp and Ghent. The government took the lead to protect consumers from the health scare, rather than Coca-Cola management. Coca-Cola issued a statement on June 15 from Atlanta (see Exhibit 1) refuting the contamination claims. On June 16, Ivester released a statement under his name (see Exhibit 2) expressing regret for the problems, but he mostly left the public side of the damage-control campaign to company spokesmen and CCE.On June 18, Ivester realized the magnitude and impact of the crisis and arrived in Belgium for the first time to manage the crisis. Ivester’s mission to Europe was his most visible step during the crisis and came only after the number of reported cases had ballooned to more than 200. Coca-Cola officials avoided the media, however, stating afterward that this decision was in response to a request from the Belgian Minister of Health, Luc van den Brossche, asking that the crisis be handled out of the public eye. ConclusionIn conclusion Coca Cola didn’t handle the situation properly by not communicating in a timely manner with the stakeho lders. The crisis represented vast damages to Coca Cola’s reputation and total cost of 66 million pounds. The main reason for the mistakes it was the lack of authority of local executives (Ivester). Coca Cola identified the reason for the fails in communications and consequently empowered the local teams to deal with this sort of situation. The lessons from this case study show how important it is to communicate with stakeholders.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Development and Poverty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Development and Poverty - Term Paper Example The concept, however, has been in existence in the West for centuries. Modernization, Westernization, and especially Industrialization are other terms people have used when discussing economic development. Although no one is sure when the concept originated, most people agree that development is closely bound up with the evolution of capitalism and the demise of feudalism.†(University of Iowa's Center for International Finance and Development) To improve the economic stability, the government of a country must aims at directing its policies in the right directions. It should endeavor to achieve some basic objectives, such as price control, increasing employment and trade opportunities. The government should strive hard to improve the civil and social infrastructure, like highways, affordable housing for its people, so that the overall economy of the country booms and its benefit is transferred to the people at grass root level. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a compound a nd complex guide to rank the countries of the world by their level of human development. It differentiates the countries into four categories, which are "very high human development", "high human development", "medium human development", and "low human development" countries. ... Poverty The unavailability of material possession, finances and basic human need such as shelter, food etc refers to the poverty of the people of a particular country. Basic human necessities, such as food, water, shelter, education, health, nutrition etc are the responsibility of the government. But when the government fails to provide its people these facilities then the people are forced to live a life of poverty. The poverty threshold or the poverty line is the minimum level of income which is required to access these basic needs. People who are not even able to access these fundamental needs are said to be living a life below the poverty line. It is estimated that about 1.7 billion people across the globe are living their lives below the poverty line. Poverty is the worst form of violence. (Mohandas Gandhi) There are many ways of measuring the poverty of the people of a particular region. Among them are the Gini Coefficient and the Headcount Index. The Gini Coefficient was d eveloped by an Italian statistician Corrado Gini. It is a measure of the statistical dispersion and measures the inequality of a distribution. It tells how wealth is distributed in a particular region, or among the different classes living in the society. The Headcount Index gives the proportion of the people who are forced to live a life below the poverty line. If â€Å"p†people are considered to be living below the poverty line in a population of â€Å"n†, then the Headcount Index â€Å"H†can be calculated as H=p/n. To calculate the Headcount Index, the estimates of the individual economic condition and the poverty line of that particular region is required. Poverty in South America South America is a region of the world which has a very high poverty rate even
Capital Structure Decision and the Cost of Capital Essay
Capital Structure Decision and the Cost of Capital - Essay Example About These Firms Headquartered in California USA, eBay Inc. is an online auction website that was started in September 2005. You can buy almost anything on eBay, but it has to be legally admissible and not dangerous or restricted items. People bidding for items on eBay can use auction price listings, fixed price format or fixed price format with best offer. Presently eBay operates in around 30 countries. When it went public in September 2008, the price went up to $53.50 from $18.00 on the opening day of the IPO offer. As of 14 February 2012, the stock price of the eBay company (EBAY) was $32.89 and its market capitalization was 42.39 billion. It has a beta of 1.29. The Clorox Company is headquartered in Oakland, California and is best known for its Clorox bleach product that is a mixture of mainly chlorine and sodium hydroxide. The company was formed in May 1913 by a group of five entrepreneurs from different professions who decided to set up a commercial scale liquid bleach factory in the USA. Originally concentrating on industrial grade bleach, the founders nevertheless decided to create a less potent form of the bleach for household use in 1917, and sales skyrocketed. The FTC prevented a takeover bid from Procter & Gamble in 1957 from being successful due to monopoly and antitrust laws and Clorox was again made independent in 1967. In its quest for expansion and diversification, the company has experimented with everything from bottled water to beauty and cosmetics, but is still best known for its cleaning products such as Glad, Liquid Plumr, Formula 409, Pinesol, SOS and Tilex. As of 14 February 2012, the stock price of the Clorox Company (CLX) was $67.96 and its market capitalization was 8.83 billion. It has a beta of 0.7. Founded in 1968 in Lakeland, Florida by William Darden, Darden Restaurants operates and owns a chain of around 1800 restaurants mainly in the USA. However the franchise has expanded to Canada as well, having about 35 outlets there. Its casual dining themed restaurants include among others the Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Long Horn Steakhouse labels. Lacking the funds for further expansion, Darden had sold the chain to General Mills in 1970, but the purchaser rewarded him by placing Darden as President of the newly acquired business when the headquarters moved to Orlando. He was subsequently promoted to VP of Operations while the first Restaurant Manager, Joseph R. Lee assumed the position of President of Red Lobster. As of 14 February 2012, the stock price of Darden Restaurants (DRI) was $48.66 and its market capitalization was 6.25 billion. It has a beta of 0.41 (Yahoo Finance Website, 2012). Ratios and Financial Data Looking at the Yahoo Finance website, it appears that eBay earned revenues of $11.65 billion in 2011. Its profit margin was 27.72 percent, while ROA was 6.01 percent and ROE was 19.43 percent. When it comes to the Clorox Company, revenue earnings were $5.31 billion in 2011. The profit margin was 10 .45 percent, while ROA was 13.47 percent and ROE figure was not available. Taking the Darden Restaurant figures, this chain earned revenues of $7.74 billion in 2011. Darden’s profit margin was 5.80 percent, while its ROA was 7.89 percent and the ROE stood at 25.08 percent. Of course, though on the face of it, a comparison would make eBay the best of the three in terms of revenues earned, with Darden second and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
He Second Treatise of Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
He Second Treatise of Government - Essay Example According to Jones (21), Locke made emphasis on individuals ‘natural rights (through the law of nature that claimed all men being equal and deserving to enjoy equal rights), on their constitutional governments by consent. In his theory, rather than the supreme authority, the people hold the power to set up a particular government and even replace it in case it fails. Because of the law of nature that gives humans liberty to act through the individual rights, and the contract nature of the civil society, the people can then give some of their rights to the government, as a form of trust that it would secure and defend the rights of the general people. The true sovereignty hence extends from the people as the authority is delegated more to the legislature that makes and defines the laws of the state, than the executive branch of government that executes the law (Jones 21). As a result, the theory argues that the governments should exist by the consent of the people, because with their rights they set up the civil society, and in their majority, their supreme authority and power is represented through the elected representatives in parliament. This means that the only legitimate civil society or political society that assumes power should be formed by the consent of the people, and not by force to protect and promote the public will. How John Locke Defended the Theory The law of nature: Locke used a biblical concept to defend his idea of natural law, while countering the earlier concepts as put forward by other philosophers. He portrayed the concept of liberty as a God given right to every individual so that they act in respect to the law of nature. Concepts of natural law existed before, but viewed humans from another negative point. However, Locke associates the natural law to be the will of God, who seemed to have been so far the first lawmaker for humanity to follow, that defines right and wrong and attaches sanctions to violations of the natural law; he nce humans had an obligation to live according to it, because it is reasonable and willed by God (Kim Ian 127). As such humans are viewed as capable individuals with a rationale to know the will of God (law of nature), whose wisdom and knowledge gives them liberty and enforces preservation of humanity. Despite mankind being prone to anarchy as Hobbessian philosophy indicates, the rationality humans have gives them the capability to develop the civil society and institute a government that articulates and enforces the law of nature (McFerran 24). Locke pointed out that natural law works for all humans and society preservation; hence the interest of the individuals should not conflict with those of the organisation or individuals in a society. As such, harming one another was a violation of the natural law to the property of God (humans’ lives, possessions and liberty) and deserving of punishment for the offence. Humans are obliged to enforce the natural law and can hence use t heir established civil societies as a natural faculty to fulfil the will of God, and preserve the community. They are free and potentially moral to constitute a government with limited power, and because of the knowledge of the natural law, they can put the government to checks if it conforms and serves right to implement the law of nature.
Monday, August 26, 2019
International criminal court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International criminal court - Essay Example There are several reasons for this inability of national institutions, such as, first, the absence of political will to prosecute their own citizens or high ranking officials. This situation was witnessed in the former Yugoslavia. Second, these national institutions could have been destroyed, as was the situation in Rwanda. In the absence of justice there cannot be peace, without law no justice, and when there is no court to decide what is just and lawful there can be no meaningful law (United Nations, 1999). An international criminal court achieves justice for all, ends impunity, helps in ending conflicts, remedies the defects in ad hoc tribunals, provides an alternative to national criminal justice institutions that are unable or unwilling to act, and to acts as a deterrent for future war criminals. In reality, the ICC has not achieved greater success than the ad hoc tribunals that it supplants. Akin to the tribunals of Rwanda and Yugoslavia, the ICC does not act swiftly. Moreover, it is devoid of a system for enforcing its decisions. This makes it dependent upon governments to arrest and present perpetrators before it. Albeit, the ad hoc tribunals had this defect, they were able to rely on a UN Security Council resolution requiring international cooperation in executing the arrest warrants. In addition, the ICC is devoid of forceful checks on its authority (Schafer & Groves, 2009). Theoretically, the nations that had ratified the Rome Statute were to control the ICC; however, this has not been realized in practice. Schafer, B. D., & Groves, S. (2009, August 18). The U.S. Should Not Join the International Criminal Court. Retrieved May 17, 2015, from The Heritage Foundation:
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Comparative Analysis of Antonio Del Pollaiyolo's Battle of the Nudes Essay
Comparative Analysis of Antonio Del Pollaiyolo's Battle of the Nudes and Francisco Goya's - Essay Example Experts are having difficulty in dating Antonio Del Pollaiyolo’s work on the basis of style because Pollaiyolo may have already used the style earlier and only changed a little during the course of his style1 . As an artist Pollaiyolo was considered ahead of his time and was said to be one of the first Italian artists to render the engraving of the human form2 in the same manner that Francisco Goya was also considered as one of the pioneers of modern painting3. The paintings of both Antonio Del Pollaiyolo’s Battle of the Nudes and Francisco Goya’s Third of May are also large at 42.4 x 60.9 centimeter and 268 ? 347 centimeter respectively. Pollaiyolo’s Battle of the Nudes â€Å"depicts five men wearing headbands and five men without, fighting in pairs with weapons in front of a dense background of vegetation4†. The characters in the engraving are posed in various athletic positions where they fiercely grimace and their muscle tones strongly emphasized. Rather than painted compared to Goya’s Third of May, Del Pollaiyolo’s Battle of the Nudes used return-stroke engraving that was employed in modeling the bodies to create a delicate and subtle effect5. Del Pollaiyolo’s Battle of the Nudes where ten sculpted men was fighting was inspired by Greek and Roman sculpture. Scholars opined that these engravings were not a depiction of a literary subject but rather was intended for artists to copy because Del Pollaiyolo’s was said to use model carvings himself before doing the engraved. Pollaiyolo’s work is artistically significant because it was credited to have been responsible of the seminal idea of Italian Renaissance’s modeling of the human form as an object of art. Del Pollaiyolo’s was also said to be one of the pioneers of Italian Renaissance engraving. Pollaiyolo’s engraving of the Battle of the Nude was even said to have been used as a model of German artists such as Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) and Jorg Breu (c. 1480-1573). The detailed engraving of the human form, its particularity of the anatomical structure and the explicitness of its expression has been credited to have been germinated by Pollaiyolo’s6. While Del Pollaiyolo’s work was rich in details, Goya’s The Third of May 1808 was intentionally painted with the face of the executioner to be anonymous to highlight the drama of innocent civilian that was about to be executed. In this particular work, the artistry was better rendered with the anonymity of the executioner7. What was highlighted instead was the atmosphere that contributes to the gore and brutality of the execution. The main subject which was a civilian with his arms spread like the Christ in crucifixion was set against the backdrop of the rising mountain and heavy blackness of the night to highlight the terror of the persecution8. He also emphasized fear in the painting by â€Å"trailing the line of unfor tunate captives into the distance, suggesting that this action will by repeated throughout the night9†. Unlike in Pollaiyolo’s The Battle of the Nudes where the features of the characters were detailed, Goya’s The Third of May painting was rendered with â€Å"broad and rough strokes of the brush [similar] to the mature work of the Great Spanish
Saturday, August 24, 2019
What good in TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What good in TV - Essay Example Firstly, watching TVs makes people smart and improves on their memory, especially the fictional movies which encourage imagination among viewers (Frings, Mader and HÃ ¼ll 2010). This is because viewing TV series such as fringe or prison break does call for a great deal of thinking and concentration in order to understand what is going on. Moreover, TV are good source of fun, for instance, watching TV shows like Just for Laughs: Gags, sports and shows such as American Idol, ensures that somebody is entertained making TVs a source of happiness. TVs have also helped us to learn about different cultures and places, considering that due to reasons of time and money most people are not in a position to travel to various places to appreciate different cultures and practices (Steuer and Hustedt, 2002). However, TV opens up the world and through watching documentaries we are able to learn about different cultures. In addition, TV encourages social interactions since it can often give people with little in common topics especially relating to programs aired and News to talk about. In recent times, TV has started to air How-To programs through which one can actually learn how to do many things like cooking nutritious meals. TVs also enlighten people when they watch the National Geographic and the History Channels, and at times, this can be as informative as going to a learning institute (Steuer and Hustedt, 2002). TV is now being used more in learning institutions since it has been confirmed that pupils recall and understand better than from regular lessons. Finally, televisions make family links stronger for families that watch Television programs together often find something to talk about, and this helps to strengthen family ties and eases tension that could be there between family members. In conclusion, watching TV has many benefits to the modern society since apart from the educational and moral
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Difficulties of Complaining Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Difficulties of Complaining - Case Study Example Excellent patient care is the most important piece to keep hospital rooms full. As an example, "Mr Tadeus Kowalski was admitted to the ward a year ago for rehabilitation following hip replacement in an elective orthopedic centre. He has had a second hip replacement and there are plans to transfer him to the ward again for rehabilitation, Mr Kowalski and his family said they did not want him to return to the ward. Mr Kowalski has Parkinson's disease and said that, although his medication should have been given three hourly, it was often late. This caused him greater distress and impeded his recovery. In his notes, there are several entries indicating that he, his wife and family have been asked to keep his own medication as his medication has not been given on time. As cure costs more than prevention, to alleviate Mr Kowalski concerns and enable him to accept the rehabilitation, hospital needs to provide special ward and appoint a dedicated nurse for him. There is a requirement for th e doctor to visit the patient more informally other than the scheduled official rounds.. He should be provided with labeled medicines and with chart indicating its dosage and time to take it, which will be helpful in absence of attendant. There are several such cases which affect hospital reputati
Thursday, August 22, 2019
French Revolution Discussion Questions Essay Example for Free
French Revolution Discussion Questions Essay 1. After the Sun King died in 1715, Frances financial status was bad. As the 18th century progressed these problems were never fixed and the problems continued to worsen. The Bourbons faced a variety of socio-political problems during the 18th century. After supporting the American Revolution and getting nothing in return because of the Treaty of Paris, France was left with insurmountable amounts of debt. To try to decrease the amount of debt facing France, Louis XVI tried to raise taxes but was met with a resounding protest throughout the country. The government could not inflate their currency because they did not have a central bank or paper currency. It seemed this financial situation was next to impossible to overcome. The general population was upset because the cost of living was skyrocketing; they were unable to provide for their daily needs and the monarchy was wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. 2. When the French Revolution began the French people were divided into three estates. The first estate consisted of the clergy, the second the nobility, and the third estate was the rest of France. Each estate had problems with the monarchy and wanted reform. The clergy was upset that the churchs income was being depleted from the local parishes to political appointees and worldly aristocrats the sat at the top of church hierarchy. Because of this, the economic position of local parishes were poor. The rest of the French population had simple problems but for some reason were not being solved. The third estate wanted bread to be attainable for all so they could feed their families. The price of bread was very high and the economic position of the country was terrible because of the debt caused by their support of the American Revolution, which caused widespread hunger. The three estates blamed the monarchy for their problems because no one else had enough power to come up with a solution. Unfortunately, the King couldnt make decisions and was influenced by the people around him in his decision making. Marie Antoinette and the court nobles did not care about the third estate, they just wanted to be able to maintain their frivolous lifestyle of luxury and ease. 3. The main goal of the Revolutionaries was to create a new constitution which they did in August 1789 when they issued the declaration of the rights of man. This stated that mankinds natural rights are liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression and that every man is innocent until proven guilty. It also stated that the law would express the feelings and the opinions of the general will. The Revolutionaries in 1789 attempted to create a constitutional monarchy. The Enlightenment philosophers, especially Montesquieu, influenced the type of government the French would become. Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers or a series of checks and balances so that there would not be tyranny. France wanted their government to follow that example. 4. The goal of the revolution was to reform Frances government and bring equality to all people. The revolution took such a radical turn because of political and social factors. People knew that the National Assembly was working on reforming the government and the economic situation of France. They started to become impatient and decided to take matters into their own hands. The Great Fear is one of the ways the peasants tried to free themselves from manorial rights and peasants invaded the palace as an attempt to be heard by the monarchy. The inter-conflict of the National Assembly caused the revolution to take a radical turn as well. Some people believed bloodshed was the only way to solve the problems of the revolution. They believed the monarchy needed to be disposed of which resulted of the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Some revolutionaries were determined to put an end to tyranny throughout Europe and declared war against Britain, Holland, Spain in addition to Austria and Prussia whom they were already at war with. 5. One of the most controversial phases of the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror, was a step backwards in terms of the ideals developed during the Revolution. During the Reign of Terror, the Constitution previously implemented was suspended and the rights of sovereignty that the Revolutionaries had fought for all was revoked. The Reign of Terror was a political tool to scare all who might oppose the new revolutionary government. The goal was to initiate an ideal democratic republic where justice would reign supreme and there would be no differentiation between the rich and the poor. 6. Robespierre was one of the main leaders of the revolution and considered himself a disciple of Rousseau. I believe this is true because he follows the same beliefs about the general will as Rousseau does. Rousseau believes that in society everyone should be dependant of each other in all aspects of life. This dependency would prevent individual achievement, and everyone would be equal. Robespierre wanted there to be no difference between rich and poor. Rousseau also believed that nothing could be done without the consent of all people. One person could not make decisions independently and could not be without the consent of all.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Consequences of Colonization Essay Example for Free
The Consequences of Colonization Essay Dr Clionadh Raleigh Human Geography. GG1023. Name: Louise Schriek Student ID: 11759835 Extension Granted for ad misericordiam reasons (Due on the 18/04/2012, Handed 26/04/2012). Word count: 1500 (excluding bibliography). Title : The consequences of colonization: an interpretation regarding the nature and causes of the ongoing issues around nationalism, ethnicity and stately power in sub-Saharan Africa since decolonization. Colonial occupation and the manner in which independence was gained and free states were organized may be a possible explanation for the matters of contention revolving around ethnicity, nationalism, and states in Sub-Saharan Africa to this day. A first part will expose the reasons for multiple ethnicities being situated in the same territory, and contrast it with the mainly mono-ethnic governments. A second part will deal with the consequences of this colonial inherited and induced system, holding that the nature of most sub-Saharan African states and their relations to the nations encompassed within their territories does not necessarily lead to secession, violence or power-contestations, but may partly account for the problems faced by these countries. Many of the territorial boundaries in Africa today have not changed since their definition by colonizers at the Berlin Conference (1884-1885); native societal systems were barely taken into account, the emphasis having been on the maximization of territory and resources (p93, Cole 2007). The individual colonial institutions and territories formed the inescapable frame that African nationalists had to confront and operate within to effectively challenge colonial occupation (p11, Young 2004). Mobilizations against the colonial states thus had to identify to and mobilize through the territory and populations imprisoned by this state, and thus colonial boundaries were kept as models for the new rising civic nationstates. The hyphenation of nation and state embodied ideological requirements to be impersonated to legitimize a discourse of independence in the eyes of European powers (p164, Hutchinson 2004). All groups encompassed in one delimited colonial territory thus needed to be presented as one nation claiming its rights to selfdetermination and due national territory, through a demotic form of nationalism (Preface, E. K. Francis 1968) with respect to the specific colonial power occupying it. As Robert Stock explains, much of the weakness in African political institutions can be traced back to the colonial period, especially to the transition of political powers with the gain of independence (p136, Stock 2004). The governments put into place were composed by an African elite highly influenced by western values and ideologies, having benefited of colonial education (p70, Potter 2008). Elections were impacted and controlled by the colonial powers efforts to set up governments (p7, Saha 2010) that would not seriously challenge the interests of the metropole (p136, Stock 2004), hereby staying implicitly imperialist to keep economical advantages, to not be challenged politically, to impose their political ideologies on these rising free states, and to keep an upper hand on the exploitation and trade of resources in the globalizing economy. The new African governments were thus closely correlated with the previous colonizing powers, and were not necessarily a reflection of the people and nations within these states, of their desires and interests, but rather of that of a designated elite monopolizing the power in its own interest. Autonomy itself came from a popular strive of Africans, and vast independence movements fighting for political and economical freedom, encompassed in the continent-wide Pan-Africa ethnic phenomenon as a unitary reaction to colonization (p106, Cole 2007). But the consequent autonomous states set up did thus not rise from a common will of the people, but of westernized decisions and a certain disguised continuation of the society model set up during the colonial era; The struggle for African autonomy and the creation of the independent states lacked substantial connection, as it seems that the first did not give birth to the second. It is thus not surprising that in general Sub-Saharan African States do not identify to the nations they were attributed or feel a strong duty of promoting the entirety of their citizens interests, and vice versa. Moreover, it seems that the elite holding political power will have a stronger connection to their own ethnic-nation than to the whole of the population in their territory (p235, Saha 2010). The importance of the ethnic-factor in the process of nation-building is argued by such figures as Anthony Smith or Walker Connor to be of fundamental importance (p5, Young 2004). Ethnic belonging seems to be a fundament of the current African societal model. This may be traced back to the fact that the civic form of nationalism bringing all ethnic nations of one state together had by no means been pursued by colonial rulers, hereby facilitating control of populations and minimizing the amplitude of possible nationalistic protest. Most African Governments are constituted by one political party that will promote the interests of this one ethnicity, and be supported by it. These Uni-party governments are an inherent part of the system installed by the colonizing powers. A possible interpretation is as that of a vicious circle. The first governments of the new states at independence were mainly representative of only one of the ethnicities comprised in the state. Valuing this fraction of their states population that they shared ethno-national belonging with induced the growing loss of identification and trust of other ethnicities and of their sense of citizenship and belonging to the state as an inherent part of its nation. Support thus declined, the state responded by growingly disregarding these often numerous nations peripheral to their system, whom in turn in this opposition may aspire to overthrow the group in power, to defend their interests and gain recognition . Complications seem to derive from the probl ematic mono-ethnic governmental institutions holding stately power. This, amongst other factors, may be a cause for corruption and violence in SubSaharan Countries. It seems that The peripheral ethnicities subjugate themselves to the state, not by motive of civic nationalism and positive support, but by lack of means of contestation and politicization, by bribery as they are payed off or compensated (the least possible) for their passivity, through repression by violence, or elimination by mass murder. Various ethnic nations being encompassed in the same state thus usually seems to not lead to the secession of African states. Instead it leads to the fight over the monopoly of state-power between the various ethnic groups concerned (p240 Saha 2010). The state, due to its mono-party and mono-ethnic constitution, only represents a fraction of the citizens that the officially homogenizing civic nation-state, indeed exhibiting national symbols, hymns, history etc (p443, Dirlik 2002) is supposed to take into account. Substantial civic-nationalism and equal treatment of the whole population on its territory, through the distribution of power and wealth, is not reflected. In fact, very few ethno-nationalist socio-political movements in Sub-Saharan Africa have made intractable demands to form their own ethnic states (p5, Saha 2010). Many movements, such as the Sudans Peoples Liberation Movement or the Oromo Liberation Front in Ethiopia do not consider secessions as the solution to their ethnic issues (p5, Saha 2010). These movements are rather looking for better recognition from the political elite, and for a better politico-economic position. It seems thus that ignored ethnicities, or the peoples nations on the social margins (p6, Young 2004), aspire more to a civic type of nationalism in the states that encomprise them, rather than to the creation of their own ethno-nationalist state, the latter, due to past and present situations, appearing to not be the key to development and stability. Ethnicity is thus an issue in state-politics. Ethnic divisions are very much observable in economic and political hierarchies, and this poses a problem for democratization and civic-nationalism which should be the prominent form of nationalism manifestations in most African countries south of the Sahara due to their multi-ethnic nature. Monopoly of the state by one ethnicity also holds as consequence the latters ample control of natural resources, which are of major importance in the developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, whose economies depend largely on the exploitation of primary resources. Contemporary nationalism advocates the fragmentation of the states resources monopoly amongst its citizens (p22, Guiberneau 1999), which is rarely the case in Sub-Saharan Africa. It may be suggested that internal contestations of power and overthrowal- attempts of one ethnic group by another happen to gain access to the resources and wealth that the large national territories that each state rules over comprise. Added to this is the large amount of development aid that governments gain access to, but that seems to mostly disappear amongst the elite and be used to secure its power-monopoly through bribery, financing violent repressions, and corruption of the populations that are not of the system supporting the party in power(p62, Orijako 2001). The access to this wealth may thus also be an incentive for intra-state tensions. Ethnic differences within nations do not seem to be the reason for intra-state conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa. But they still make the situation of these states problematic. One possible interpretation is thus that it is the mono-ethnic nature of most subSaharan African governments causes intra-state tensions. The cause of this may be traced back to the political, economic, social and territorial structuring imposed by colonial powers during colonial occupation, and generated by the way independence was gained, that is, through the colonial system, and influenced by colonial interests. Bibliography: . Montserrat Guibernau and John Hutchinson (2001), Understanding Nationalism, Polity Press, Great Britain. (Library 320.54 ). . Robert B. Potter, Tony Binns, Jennifer A. Elliot, David Smith (2008- Third Edition), Geographies of Development- An Introduction to Development Studies, Pearson Education Limited, UK. . M. Crawford Young (12/07/2004), Revisiting Nationalism and Ethnicity in Africa, James S. Coleman African Studies Center, UCLA, (Academic article, ). . Arif Dirlik (2002), Rethinking Colonialism- Globalizatio, Postcolonialism, and the Nation, University of Oregon,The International of Postcolonial Studies, RoutledgeTaylor and Francis Group, USA. (Academic Article) . Robert Stock (2004), Africa South of the Sahara- A Geographical Interpretation (Second Edition), The Guilford Press, USA. . Santosh C. Saha (Mar 01, 2010), Sub-Saharan Ethnic Attachment And Civil Conflict: A Methodological Approach To State-Building And Ethnicity. Journal of Third World Studies; Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 235-251 (Academic Article). tcd library- EBSCO. . Roy Cole and H.J. De Blij (2007), Survey of Subsaharan Africa- a Regional Geography, Oxford University Press, USA. . E. K. Francis (1968), The Ethnic Factor in Nation-Building, University of North Carolina Press, USA. (Oxford Journals, Academic Article, content/46/3/338.short ). . Humphrey Orijako (2001), Killing Sub-Saharan Africa with Aid, Nova Science Publishers, USA.
Laws and Guidelines Regulating E-Commerce
Laws and Guidelines Regulating E-Commerce Laws and Guidelines regulating e Commerce Use the link above and the course textbook to investigate the following legislation and guidelines Why it was introduced? What must an e commerce business do to avoid contravening these rules? Data Protection Act (1998) To allow the users data to be protected when they are using any website. To prevent people from gaining access to sensitive information when purchasing or signing into a business website. This .blocks users access into the systems database where the users personal and sensitive information is stored. A business should avoid breaking these laws by making sure that when a user enters sensitive information that they are protected from people being able to gain access to that information. Users should also be aware that the information is being stored on the website and ensured that their data is protected. Computer Misuse Act (1990) To prevent people from being able to gain access into peoples computers since the internet was becoming a large-scale application. It was introduced to prevent hackers from gaining access into computers and being able to get away with it. To avoid breaking the law a business must ensure that they have antivirus software to prevent hackers from getting into the system and being able to get access to users sensitive information. As well as to make sure that, the business does not use the clients details to gain access to their information. They should also be aware of the ways to get malware and other viruses. Consumer Credit Act (1974) To make sure that users where aware of what was happening with their data within an agreement and if they werent happy they would be able to break the contract/ decline the contract to prevent their data from being leaked it also ensures that payments will be made. This cooling off period is within a period of two weeks. In addition, retailers are guaranteed with  £25,000 worth of payments. A business must make sure that they disclose what the arrangements are for the user. Such as making sure users are aware of the period that they can return the product. Trading Standards Trading standards where introduced to prevent traders from providing their users with dodgy products and to make sure users got a high quality product. Local governments also decide on whether or not the trading company is u to the trade standards. A business needs to make sure that it is able to get approval to make sure that the product provided is up to trading standards. Freedom of Information Act (2000) The Act was introduced to allow people to view the activities that the business has been doing to make sure that users are aware of what the business has been doing. This can come under the form of a request from the company if the information is not public. This comes under peoples right of having the right to know. A business should make sure that they are able to provide the appropriate information to users about the companys activities and if a user request to see information that isnt public that the user is aware if they should be able to have access to that information. Copyright Legislation Copyright legislation was introduced to make sure that a persons property was protected from other people copying it and using it for their own product/idea. This was first introduced with the Copyright and design Act, which allowed companies to be able to protect their property such as logos or music this would then be able to go on for a set amount of time where it can then be renewed. As business, it is important that they are aware what pieces of work are an infringement of someones/another companys piece of work under the copyright conditions. E-commerce Regulations It was introduced to make sure that users are aware of the protection and use of their data and what their data might be used for. It also provides users with information about the company such as where their brick stores are located as well as the contact details to be able to get into contact with the business. It also allows sure to make amendments to orders if they were to mistype the order. It is important that the business makes sure that the users are protected and that their data isnt stored onto the site for people to use.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Ue of Diet pills among adolescent girls Essay -- essays research p
The Use of Diet Pills among Adolescent Girls Dieting is a common occurrence in our country, but dieting is most common among adolescent girls. Since millions of Americans try to lose weight every year, many of them turn to weight-loss pills for help (MFMER 2004). Dieting may place the risk of using unhealthy weight control behaviors such as diet pills (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). A study by the CDC showed that 10.9 percent of adolescent girls use diet pills as their weight-loss strategy (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). The study showed that 10.9 percent of adolescent girls use diet pills as their weight-loss strategy (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). The quest for weight loss and the use of this weight-loss strategy is thought to be an unhealthy weight behavior that is led from the consumer world (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). The appeal of losing weight quickly is often too hard to pass up (MFMER 2004). During early adolescence, the onset of body dissatisfaction, dieting, and other problem weight loss behavior occurs (Garry, Morrissey, and Whetstone 2002). In a weight-centered approach to health, thinness is viewed as a crucial goal for optimum health, and thus one to be strived by all, including starting at an early age (Cogan 1999). As much as 40 percent to 70 percent of the US population is trying to lose weight at any given time, with young women being the most likely to be struggling with their weight (Cogan 1999). According to the Center for disease control, 59.4 percent of adolescent girls report trying to lose weight in the past 30 days (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). Studies of middle school students have reported that between 30 percent and 55 percent have dieted at some time (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). Also a recent review in 2004 indicated that 41 to 66 percent of teenage girls have attempted the use of a weight loss strategy to achieve their goal (Dieting 2004). About one third of normal dieter’s progress to other problem dieting behaviors using tactics such as diet pills (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Perry 2004). The use of diet pills to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight was reported by 7.1 percent of students in a study conducted 5,770 students (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztaine... ...and their weight, helping them find healthy alternatives to weight loss and providing them with nutritional guidance can be achieved to avoid diet pill use. References: Cogan, Jeanine (1999). Dieting, Weight, and Health: Reconceptualizing Research and Policy.           Journal of Social Issues, 55(2), pp187-205. Dieting in Adolescence. Pediatrics and Child Health, 9 (7), p487 – 491. Eisenberg, M. Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., and C. Perry (2004). The Role of Social Norms      and Friends’ influences on Unhealthy Weight-control Behaviors among Adolescent Girls.      Social Science and Medicine, 60(6), p1165-1173. Garry, J., Morrissey, S., and L.Whetstone (2002). Substance Use and Weight Loss Tactics      among Middle School Youth. International Journal of Eating Disorders. MFMER:Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2004). Over-the-Counter      weight-loss Products. MMFER. National Institute of Health (2004). Physical Activity and Weight Control. National Institute of      Health.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Avian Influenza and Its Expected Ramifications Essay -- Disease/Disord
Over the past fifteen years H5N1 influenza (also known as Avian Flu or Bird Flu) has become a common topic of speculation and debate worldwide, causing quite a bit of confusion about its possible impacts on our society. At this point in time it is generally recognized by the international medical community that Avian Flu is bound to become a pandemic, most likely within the next ten years. Research on Avian Flu and its effects have led many scholars to make grave predictions of major global turmoil while a small portion of medical scientists remain skeptical, believing we will have enough time to thoroughly prepare for the outbreak. The one thing that nearly all health professionals seem to agree upon is that the avian flu will surely have a large impact on the development of humankind. To truly understand the threat of this disease and what we must do to prepare for it, we need to look at the issue from multiple angles and consider what the spread of a disease so lethal and so pron e to mutation would mean for our daily lives, health professionals, laws and government procedures, and of course the continuation of the human race. It is necessary in order to understand Avian Flu's impacts on society to first understand what H5N1 influenza is. Like any virus, influenza viruses cannot reproduce on their own the way bacteria can. Technically, viruses aren’t even alive because in order for them to reproduce, they must take over the living cell of another organism. This makes all viral diseases notoriously hard to cure because modern research has yet to reveal a medication or procedure that can kill a virus without killing its host. The best medications that we currently have available to treat viruses can only prevent the virus fro...>. Swain, James C., Linda L. Chezem, Caroline S. Cooper, Kim B. Norris, Carolyn T. Ortwein, Ronald J. Taylor, Fred Wilson, Francis Schmitz, Daniel O'Brien, Clifford Reeves, Elaine Snyder, 13) Thomas, James C., and Siobhan Young. "Wake Me Up When There's a Crisis: Progress on State Pandemic Influenza Ethics Preparedness." American Journal of Public Health 101.11 (2011): 2080-082. ProQuest. ProQuest, 24 Jan. 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. . 14) Thomas Rhatigan, Joseph A. Trotter, Christopher Billeter, and Lenzing Lahdon. "Guidelines for Pandemic Emergency Preparedness Planning: A Road Map for Courts." Center for Disease Control, Apr. 2007. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. .
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Affirmative Action Will Build a Strong Nation Essay -- affirmative act
Affirmative Action Will Build a Strong Nation Affirmative Action: often upon hearing this word, one will start thinking about quotas and reverse discrimination. However, contrary to this misconception, affirmative action is actually a policy that dictates that employers attempt to find diverse employees by exploring untraditional sources of labor. The goal of affirmative action is to create a work force that mirrors the population of the nation both in gender and in ethnicity (Hanmer 8,10). Affirmative action is necessary to give all Americans an opportunity to be successful and to counteract the discrimination that still exists in modern society. Affirmative action is not only morally justifiable, but it is also socially and economically preferable in order to improve our society. The United States’ government first implemented affirmative action to overcome some of the clear differences in living conditions between people of different genders and races. Unfortunately, these differences still exist and eliminating affirm ative action now would be premature for our nation. Affirmative action is essential to compensate for the fact that women and minorities receive fewer opportunities to succeed. Even after laws were passed to end institutionalized racism, the white males who owned the businesses and held the best jobs before continued to own the businesses and hold the best jobs. While legal equality may have been achieved, the nation was nowhere near having true social equality. As President Lyndon B. Johnson stated when he first started affirmative action, â€Å"This is the next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human abi... ...., William. â€Å"Give Affirmative Action Time to Act.†AAD Project. 1 Dec. 2000. University of California Santa Barbara, Department of English. 19 Feb. 2002>. Hanmer, Trudy J. Affirmative Action: Opportunity for All?. Hillside, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1993. Mask, Susan. â€Å"Countering the Myths: A Proponent’s Point of View.†University of Iowa, Office of Affirmative Action. 25 Feb. 2002>. Plous, Scott. â€Å"Ten Myths About Affirmative Action.†Journal of Social Issues. 52.4 (1996): 25-31. Pressley, Sue Anne. â€Å"Texas Campus Attracts Fewer Minorities.†Washington Post. 28 Aug. 1997, aa082897.htm>. Supplier Diversity. Nike. 17 Mar. 2002.>.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Fathers and Daughters Relationships in Shakespeare’s Literature Essay
The fathers and daughters relationships in Shakespeare drama and literature have attracted a great deal of scholarly attentions specifically in the influence of feminist criticism. There is an apparent shifting affection towards fathers and daughters when the latter struggle to negotiate a passage into adulthood and marriage with their father’s blessings, and when the fathers struggle to surrender or relinquish their young daughters to other menâ€â€their future husbands. Most of the time the fathers, who often belongs to royalty or upper class, rejects the men that their daughters choose because of their lower standing. Apparently, some fathers judge the appropriateness of the men through their properties, strength and social positions. Also Shakespeare incorporates fathers from the middle life who are also reluctant to release their daughters at the threshold of adult commitment in marriage. The conflicts, fears, and insecurities, as each faces a crucial challenge of adulthood, cast new light on questions of moral development, male and female sex roles, and traditional and progressive social norms. In earlier marriage, the father is the one who mostly manipulate his daughter’s decision making and thus making a woman’s sense of free will powerless. Meanwhile, some appraisals in fathers and daughters relationship in Shakespeare’s literature are typically more sympathetic to the fathers. Some daughters manifest tyrannical possessiveness taking advantage to her social standing and the excess parental affection of her father. Some are being manipulated by the daughters’ exemplary conduct such as capriciousness, coldness and disloyalty. While some rebels against father’s possessiveness towards them â€Å"as a love corrupted by the power a patriarchal society confers on him†. Juliet and her father Old Capulet in the story of Romeo and Juliet, Desdemona and her father Branbantio in the story of Othello, Portia’s submissiveness to her father’s standard in The Merchant in Venice, though she knows it is quite wrong, all consciously or unconsciously moves to the whims of patriarchy. Meanwhile the character of Cordelia, the youngest daughter of King Lear, refused to go over board in her statement of love towards her father, and Jessica shows her disobedience and rebellious nature towards her father Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. Apparently, there are two facets of fathers and daughters relationships in Shakespeare literature; first, some of his literature shows daughters’ submissiveness towards the standards of patriarchy as the daughters allow their fathers to dominate their lives to the extent that they are helpless to change their fate, and second, some daughters boldly oppose their fathers’ standards through escape and rebellion. These two facets creates such ambiguity as to whether Shakespeare is a pro feminist as he presents sexist oppression or did Shakespeare somehow remains within the tradition of patriarchy? Most of the tensions and conflicts between the fathers and daughters revolve around the impending marriages of the daughters. In various Shakespearean plays, the father is often the one who chooses his daughter’s husband, which normally goes against the daughter’s will. â€Å"The daughters in some Shakespearean literature break the emotional strings that tie them to childhood, defying paternal authority to assert emotional independence†(Dreher 5). One good example that shows defiance in paternal authority is when Juliet proceeds to marry Romeo event though Capulet, her father, strongly disagrees since Romeo is a Montague, the family’s rival clan. This action from Juliet creates conflict between her and her father which eventually leads to added drama throughout the play. Capulet is forced to disown his own daughter because of her act of disobedience; â€Å"Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch/ I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday/ Or never after look me in the face/ Speak not, reply not, do not answer me!/ My fingers itch.  Wife, we scarce thought us blest/ That God had lent us but this only child;/ But now I see this one is one too much,/ And that we have a curse in having her/ Out on her, hilding.†(Shakespeare 207). Capulet feels like he is not being just rejected as a father but her patriarchal role has been rejected as well. As for Juliet, her opposition towards her father especially in terms of love illustrates her need for emotional freedom and desires for life transition that will give her opportunities for personal growth. But Juliet apparently holds her father’s opinion in high regard and respect because after receiving her father’s judgment, she says; â€Å"Good father, I beseech you on my knees,/ Hear me with patience but to speak a word (Shakespeare 207). She apparently does feel badly for disappointing her father. Therefore, some Shakespeare’s female characters think very highly of their father’s opinions as part of their tradition, but proceed to do what they feel is in their own best interests and advantage. Though Juliet disobey her father after falling in love with Romeo but her love for the man develops her sense of independence and maturity since Juliet in the initial part of the play plays the role of an innocent child who comes at her parents command immediately and who perceives marriage â€Å"an honour that I dream not of†(Shakespeare 48). Similarly, Juliet and Lord Capulet have a strong relationship in the beginning of the play wherein the latter treats her daughter with so much love and compassion but not until he wishes her to marry Paris in Scene 5 of Act III. When Juliet disobeys, he put his judgment against her daughter with rage. But when Juliet returns apologetically to her father, and agrees to marry Paris, he once again returns to being the loving and caring father the readers initially identified. This also shows that Juliet, though has an independent mind, is still attached to the belief that she has a responsibility as a daughter to obey her father. Basically, the play Romeo and Juliet shows how the limitations set forth by the father in a patriarchal society can affect a daughter’s life while she lives under his roof. The patriarchal or authoritarian demands made by Juliet’s father, Juliet’s marrying Paris, in combination to Juliet’s secret marriage to Romeo, her father’s most hated enemy, greatly contributed to Juliet’s suicide and tragedy. â€Å"Although Capulet is genuinely distraught over his daughter’s suicide at the end, leading us to believe that his love for her was greater than his dictatorial display of affection for her throughout the play, he is nevertheless one of the chief culprits for her demise†. Desdemona and Brabantio’s relationship has one of the most unique father and daughter relationship in all Shakespearean’s plays. The subtle conflict between the two starts when Desdemona fallen in love with a man of a different race, culture and color. She marries Othello even though she knows that her father will greatly oppose on it. She conceals her intentions and weds without her father’s consent which as a result, she loses her father’s affection. Brabantio is a Venetian Senator with definite ideas on the subject and behaviour of his daughter. He, as much as possible, wants her daughter to choose a husband who he feels is of her caliber, someone that will fit her complex psychological traits and as well as someone who will raise their family’s esteem in Venetian society. But Desdemona acts contrary to what is expected of her. She instead marries a Moor and not a Venetian man and an army general who does not have a lot of money but only prestige. Furthermore, Othello is also old nearly like her father’s age since the two are friends. Brabantio apparently wants her son in law to have a long life expectancy to inherit the family’s wealth and so that Desdemona would not be widowed or have to return to her father’s dependence. Meanwhile, Desdemona’s father doesn’t also understand Desdemona’s judgment in marrying Othello since her actions are so out of keeping with his sense of her character. He apparently believes that Desdemona’s decision to marry Othello is so incongruous with both the social norms and Desdemona’s usual self. Thus Brabantio then believes that she must have been bewitched since he couldn’t believe that his actions are all voluntary, â€Å"For I’ll refer me to all things of sense,/ If she in chains of magic were not bound,/ Whether a maid so tender, fair and happy,/ So opposite to marriage that she shunn’d/ The wealthy curled darlings of our nations,/ Would ever have (t’ incur a general mock)/ Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom/ Of such a thing as thouâ€â€to fear, not to delight†(Shakespeare â€Å"Othello†10). Though Othello says that Desdemona was captivated by his tales of adventure and suffering not bewitched, â€Å" My story being done/ She gave me for my pains a world of sighs/ She swore, in faith, t’was strange, ‘twas passing strange;/ ‘Twas pitiful, ‘twas wondrous pitiful†(Shakespeare â€Å"Othello†16). But nonetheless, whatever the intentions behind Desdemona’s decision, her actions illustrates disobedience to social norms and ultimately to her father’s expectations. In the Merchant of Venice, two separate father-daughter relationships play an integral role in the central narrative of the play. The play illustrates the strained relationship of Venetian and Jewish money lender Shylock and his daughter Jessica and the non existent association on Portia’s relationship with her deceased father. Shylock, devastated with the death of his wife Leah many years earlier, kept his house and environment with great mourning out of her respect for her. The continuous dedication or even obsession of Jessica’s father to her mother created distance between Shylock and his daughter Jessica, who can never completely understand the great love her parents shared. Jessica’s father is strictly puritanical too, wherein he keeps Jessica locks up in their small world isolating her from the outside. Moreover, Shylock also shows little love and affection towards his daughter that perhaps motivated the latter to be rebellious and disloyal. She meets secretly with Lorenzo who is a Christian. When the two fled together, Shylock becomes even more upset discovering that his valuables disappeared with them, â€Å"My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter ! / Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats! / Justice! The law! My ducats and my daughter! / A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats, / Of double ducats, stol’n from me by my daughter! / And jewelsâ€â€two stones, two rich and precious stones, / Stol’n by my daughter! Justice! Find the girl! / She hath the stones with her, and the ducats!†(Shakespeare â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†40). Jessica is not a good daughter at all since she let her rage against her father to dominate her actions and decisions. Likewise, Shylock is not a good father since he gives more importance to tradition, mourning and wealth giving little attention to his daughter. Portia’s father on the other hand is just as controlling as Jessica’s father however, Portia approach her father’s wishes with submissiveness. Though Portia is one of the strongest female characters in all Shakespearean’s plays, she respects her father’s wishes. King Lear, who is old enough to retire from power, decides to divide his royalty amongst his three beautiful daughters. He offers the largest share to the one who loves him best. Goneril and Regan, who significantly give importance to position and royalty, proclaim passionately and with all hypocrisy that they love their father more than anyone and any material thing in this world. Their statements completely please the King. However, Cordelia, the King’s youngest daughter, refuses to flatter him exaggeratedly, displaying a mild and forbearing temperament. Cordelia’s honest assertion annoys and offends the King. Easily persuaded by the hollowness of his two daughters’ pretensions due to his blindness and wrong judgment of character, King Lear then decides to disinherit Cordelia and divides the kingdom only between the two. The subtle conflict of the Cordelia and King Lear starts on this. King Lear is basically hurt with what he perceived as an insult. He is expecting a flattering affirmation for him by his daughter but the latter’s genuine statement insulted him.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Compromises That Lead to the Constitution
In the period between the drafting of the Constitution and the start of the Civil War, compromise was a main part in the governing of the United States. The Constitution itself is often referred to as a â€Å"bundle of compromises†and because of the effectiveness of these compromises it has been able to withstand time and continue to be the main source of our government. Conflict arose even after the Constitution and compromises were made to try to keep the Union together and decrease tensions between the North and South.In this paper, I will discuss the compromises that made up the Constitution as well as the compromises that were implemented leading up until the Civil War. The drafting of the Constitution is compiled of great compromises that are the reason why our great government is still working today. James Madison created one of these compromises called the Virginia Plan. His plan called for a strong central government, one that had control to legislate, levy taxes, ve to state laws, and authorize military force against states.His plan also called for a bicameral legislature and fixed representation in both houses of Congress proportionally to each state’s population. The people would select the lower house and those in that house would elect the delegates in the upper house who in turn would select the president and judges. This plan didn’t work because those smaller states felt they wouldn’t have equal representation in this house due to their population being smaller than the larger states. They feared that the large states would control the legislatures and the small states wouldn’t be able to get what they wanted done.After the Virginia Plan didn’t work, William Paterson of New Jersey offered another proposal called the New Jersey Plan. This plan stated that there should be a single chamber congress in which each state had an equal vote, just like the Articles. This plan also did not work because it gave too much power to the smaller states who only compiled about 25% of the Americans. And so, the Great Compromise was proposed. This compromise was passed on July 17, 1787 and stated that the upper house would have equal representation, satisfying the small states, and the lower house would be based on population, satisfying the large states.The fear of the people was that the central government would become too powerful and that the states wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Through debate and in attempt to solve this from happening, the framers of the Constitution came up with two things: separation of powers and the system of checks and balances. These two systems have kept our central government from getting too powerful as well as keeping our states from getting too powerful. Separation of powers meant that the three distinct branches in the national government all had different powers and one branch couldn’t try to do the job of the others.These three branches a re the executive, judicial, and legislative branch. The executive branch is composed of the President of the United States and his cabinet, the legislative branch is composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the judicial branch is the Supreme Court. The system of checks and balances was meant to prevent any one branch from dominating the other two. Examples of the checks and balances include the power of the President to veto acts of Congress, but to insure that the president doesn’t overuse this power Congress can override a president’s veto with a two-thirds majority in each house.The framers also made it so the Constitution could be amended if needed by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress and then the amendment has to be ratified by three-fourths of the states. This amendment process is the reason why the Constitution has lasted as long as it has and why all the compromises the make of the Constitution still hold true today. The framers made it so the Constitution can be changed if and when our country changed views and ideas on all sorts of issues.The admittance of Missouri as a state threatened the balance of the union in 1819, which at the time had eleven free states and eleven slave states. Since Missouri’s population was composed of 16 percent slaves, it would be admitted as a slave state therefore upsetting the balance in favor of the south. Northerners didn’t like this because Missouri was at the same latitude as the free states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and because of this they feared that it would set a precedent for slave states coming more north.The north and south continued to argue and argue over the issue of slavery. The north accused the south of trying to extend the institution of slavery and the south said that the north was conspiring to destroy the Union and end slavery. To resolve this crisis, congress passed a series of agreements that became known as the Missouri Compromise, whi ch smoothed over the crisis. In 1820, Congress admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in order to balance the number of free and slave states and to keep order between the north and south.Also, it prohibited slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of the southern boundary of Missouri. This compromise soon fell apart after it was passed. Missouri drafted its own Constitution saying that free blacks were prohibited from entering their territory. Because of this provision, which was against the federal Constitution stating that citizens of one state were entitled to the same rights as citizens of other states, antislavery northerners didn’t allow Missouri to be admitted into the Union until 1821.In 1821, Henry Clay came up with a second Missouri Compromise, which didn’t allow Missouri from discriminating against citizens of other states. This compromise didn’t really calm the conflict between the north and south in terms of sl avery. In fact, the conflicts that resulted in the Missouri compromise were the reasons that the Union fell apart 40 years later. The north still feared the spread of slavery into the north and the south feared that the north would try and take away a key part of their way of life, slavery, and the compromise did nothing to calm these fears.By the end of the Mexican-American War, the United States contained thirty states in the union, fifteen of which were slave states and fifteen that were free states. Due to the huge amount of territory that was gained at the end of the war in 1848, the balance of free and slave states was threatened. Southern, or slave states, feared that because of the doctrine of free soil, which meant that Congress prohibited slavery in the territories. So the southerners came up with the idea of extending the Missouri Compromise.Slavery again was the main issue when determining the admittance of states into the Union. In early 1850, Henry Clay again forged a set of compromises to resolve the issues between the north and south. He proposed the admission of California as a free state; the division of the remainder of Mexican cession into two territories, New Mexico and Utah without federal restrictions on slavery; the settlement of Texas-New Mexico boundary dispute on terms of favorable to New Mexico; an agreement that the federal would assume the considerable public debt of Texas; the continuance of slavery in Washington D.C but the abolition of slave trade there; and a more effective fugitive slave law. By summer, Congress passed each part of the component of Clay’s set of compromises. Although it passed, it still didn’t solve the differences between the north and south. The only reason it passed was because the minority in the north and the minority in the south who favored it combined to be more than those who opposed it in the north and south. This compromise favored more so the north than the south.The north had many o bvious â€Å"wins†in this compromise such as California as a free state, the potential of New Mexico and Utah being free states, and the abolition of slave trade in D. C. The compromise still left open the question of whether Congress had the power to prohibit slavery in territories outside of the Mexican cession. A big issue the north had with this compromise was the acceptance of the Fugitive Slave Law. In 1793, the Fugitive Slave Law was passed. This law required judges to award possession of an escaped slave upon any formal request by a master or his representative.Runaways, as slaves who fled their masters were called, were denied a jury trial and sometimes even refused permission to present evidence of their freedom. This law denied free slaves the same rights that were given to whites under the Bill of Rights. Although this law was upheld, it did not mean that Northerners followed it. This upset the south very much and was a main reason the compromise didn’t la st. They wanted the north to follow the provisions of the compromise since they had to as well.In 1854, Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This act created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, which opened new lands for settlement and farming. It repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing settlers in those states to determine through popular sovereignty whether they were slave states or free states. The result of popular sovereignty was the flooding of northerners and southerners into these territories trying to either vote them into being free states or slave states.This act just set fuel to the fire between north and south in terms of slavery and cause great conflict in these territories. The conflicts between the North and South were never truly resolved with the compromises after the ratification of the Constitution. The compromises worked temporarily to smooth over the tensions between them but they never lasted. The reason for this was the le gislations never fixed the real issue, the question of whether blacks were considered equal to whites under the law and until the government made it clear, conflict was inevitable and compromise wouldn’t work.
Discuss Jane Austen’s presentation of the theme of marriage in Pride & Prejudice Essay
â€Å"It is the truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.†The opening sentence in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice is so important given the social context and the notion of marriage at that time: it was the one fundamental purpose of most girls to marry. Moreover, the motives and the attitudes towards marriage were far more complex in the 19th century than nowadays since love marriages were rare and marrying for ‘advantages’ were the obvious. Jane Austen explores all the different outlooks on marriage through the characters and reveals her views towards marriage by the consequence of each type of marriage. The novel is quite clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and follows the ‘love conquers all’ platitude, however- still manages to be quite enjoyable read due to all the drama and upheaval concerning marriage. The novel, which tells the story of a commonplace 19th century family whose 3 daughter came ‘of age’ and therefore were in search for a suitable husband. Furthermore, the sense of drama is heightened by the fact the aging alpha-male of the Bennet family was unfortunate to bear only daughters and could therefore not pass on his belongings- including the property he and his family lived in to either his wife or his children as the law stated woman were unable to inherit. Therefore, everything the Bennet family owned would be given to Mr. Collins- a cousin of Mr. Bennets’. Mrs. Bennet is well aware of this and therefore has made it the main business of her life to get her daughters married. She herself has married Mr. Bennet for advantages as she was born poor and managed to ensnare him with her good looks. Consequently, she believes it’s highly likely her daughters will have the same good fortune, and as Mr. Bennet was getting older, her determination to marry her daughters off to rich men became stronger. Along with Mrs. Bennet’s determination, the pressure increased for her daughters to â€Å"secure†a man sufficient enough to please Mrs. Bennets views. Jane austen presents the theme of marriage as a comprehensive one, since she presents each character with a different view of marriage. I will compare the different views towards marriage in the novel and discuss Jane Austen’s presentation of the theme of marriage in the novel Pride & Prejudice in this essay. Enhancing the amount of money, the class of social connections, security and social status seem to be the grounds on which the ill-fated marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins are established. Charlotte Lucas is introduced as an ‘intelligent, twenty-seven year old woman whom concerned her family as they were scared she would die â€Å"an old maid.†Even though Charlotte knows she will never love Mr. Collins, she would much rather marry him than be a cause of embarrassment to her family due to her life-long bachelorhood. She believes â€Å"love is not a necessity and financial ambitions should be the main priority for a woman†, as it increases not only the wealth of the woman in question- it also increases the importunacy of her voice- essentially making them more powerful and prone to change. Furthermore, there are several quotes to back up her argument including. Otherwise the other woman thought flirtatious behaviour and humongous booby muscles did the trick. Furthermore, there are several devious competitors whom love in repetition of all sorts off material find it hard to believe that there are several cases of weird and odd behaviour created by an environment of hard parents giving daughters evil looks in order to keep her in check. Also, they’ll stretch the time of their appearance downstairs in order to find that perfect balance of animism and scrim. Furthermore, they find themselves so perfect and deem their voice as an alpha voice with steps pounding with such verbosity it shakes even the soft padded couch imp sitting on! It is scary, it is wild, it is my father. He is not so nice and honest. However, I find it irrational he has to find his stay downstairs and pray downstairs because of all the trouble he has to go through going up the furthermore, there are several objects of admiration staying up at night merely to control a daughter is too cautious behaviour implying an untrustworthy presence of an ordering and a sophisticated alpha male in the presence of an untrustworthy.
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