Thursday, December 26, 2019
History Of The Boston Massacre - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 846 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Boston Massacre Essay Did you like this example? On March 5, 1770, colonists in the town of Boston decided that they wanted no more of the British soldiers on their street corners and doorsteps, and they took action (John Adams, Architect of American Government). What started that day as the seemingly harmless throwing of snowballs and calling of names resulted in anger building and, ultimately, in the fatal shooting of five colonists (Wallenfeldt). What caused this event that is remembered in this country even today, over two hundred years later? The Townshend Acts and the presence of the British soldiers there to enforce the new taxes resulting from those Acts gave way to violence that rang through the streets of Boston on that cold March day ( Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History Of The Boston Massacre" essay for you Create order Following the French and Indian War, England needed a way to regain the money they had spent, and they saw the Townshend Acts as a way to do just that (Wallenfeldt). The Townshend Acts imposed direct revenue dutiesthat is, duties aimed not merely at regulating trade but at putting money into the British treasury. These were payable at colonial ports and fell on lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea (Wallenfeldt). Colonists found it difficult to support themselves along with paying for Englands war with France, and these taxes made them angry ( It was the second time in the history of the colonies that a tax had been levied solely for the purpose of raising revenue (Wallenfeldt). After the Townshend Acts was passed, the colonists refused to buy any taxed products (Wallenfeldt). They started trying to make the British soldiers miserable by calling them names and destroying their property (Wallenfeldt). The soldiers felt that they needed protection from the colonists (W allenfeldt). Parliament answered British colonial authorities request for protection by dispatching the14th and 29th regiments of the British army to Boston, where they arrived in October 1768. The presence of those troops, however, heightened the tension in an already anxious environment (Wallenfeldt). On the evening of March 5, following a dispute between a British sentry and a colonist, an unruly crowd of colonists confronted eight British soldiers and their captain. The volatile crowd refused to obey orders to disperse and threw oyster shells, chunks of ice, and other objects at the soldiers (Wallenfeldt). In the confusion, one of the soldiers, who were then trapped by the patriot mob near the Customs House, was jostled and, in fear, discharged his musket. Other soldiers, thinking they had heard the command to fire, followed suit (Wallenfeldt). Five colonists, including Crispus Attucks, died (John Adams, Architect of American Government). Crispus Attucks was a black sailor who likely was a fo rmer slave (Wallenfeldt). Hoping to prevent further violence, Lieut. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, who had been summoned to the scene and arrived shortly after the shooting had taken place, ordered Preston and his contingent back to their barracks, where other troops had their guns trained on the crowd (Wallenfeldt). Hutchinson then made his way to the balcony of the Old State House, from which he ordered the other troops back into the barracks and promised the crowd that justice would be done, calming the growing mob and bringing an uneasy peace to the city (Wallenfeldt). By the next morning Preston and the seven soldiers that he led were under arrest as was the sentry whom they had sought to rescue. A town meeting produced a demand for the removal of all the troops, and by March 11 both the 14th and 29th regiments had decamped to Castle William in Boston Harbour (Wallenfeldt). Ninety-six people said they were eyewitnesses to the murder of the colonists by the British soldiers (Wallenfeldt). James Forrest, a British sympathizer, approached lawyer Josiah Quincy, Jr., to represent Forrests friend Preston and the other British defendants. Quincy and another colonial lawyer, Robert Auchmuty, Jr., agreed to take the case only if John Adams were part of the defense team (Wallenfeldt). A loyalist merchant came to Adamss law office and asked that he defend Captain Preston and the soldiers against charges of murder. Although committed to freedom from British tyranny, Adams agreed. He believed that every person accused of a crime should have counsel and a fair trial (John Adams, Architect of American Government). Nobody could have predicted the effect that the Townshend Acts and British occupation of the American colonies would have had. The British must have thought that it was their right to impose taxes on their own citizens. The colonists were probably thinking that moving to the colonies and separating from British rule was their right as people. As is common when humans think only from their own point of view, and not that of others, the effect of these opinions led to anger and frustration. That anger and frustration led to attacks on both opposing sides. Those attacks in turn led to violent acts resulting in death. Much can be learned from the mistakes of these two peoples. If we learn to respect others rights and treat others the way we would like to be treated, lives can be spared, respect can be earned, and peace can be attained.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Culture Wars The Struggle to Define America by James...
Abortion, school prayer, gay rights, gun politics and many more are all a part of the list of controversies that divide our country. A culture war is a conflict between groups with different ideals, beliefs, and issues. James Davison Hunter’s book, Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, shows that these issues â€Å"are not isolated from one another but are part of a fabric of conflict which constitutes nothing short of a struggle over the meaning of America. Unlike the religious and cultural conflict that historically divided the nation, the contemporary culture war is fought along new and, in many ways, unfamiliar lines†(Hunter). Hunter argued that two definable polarities existed in the major issues of the war. The new shift in†¦show more content†¦The Republican Party think that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections should apply to unborn children and the unborn child should have the fundamental right to life. However, the Democratic Party strongly disagree with this idea to a fundamental right to life. â€Å"Democrats stand behind the right of every woman to choose. [They] believe it is a constitutional liberty†(Democratic Party Platform). They fully support a woman’s right to make decision regarding her own pregnancy and health. Abortion is a personal decision between a woman and her doctors, therefore it is not a place for the government to get in the way. While the Democratic Party is pro-choice, they believe that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. These two widely different stances on the issue stem primarily from religious and moral influence. Abortion is not an issue that can be played in the middle. There is one side or the other, and people make their choices based on their morals and religious preferences. The next big issue in the American cultural war is the controversy of whether or not school prayer should take place. The Republican Party supports the idea of voluntary, student-led prayer but not the idea of teacher-led prayers. One of the main focuses is to â€Å"return voluntary school prayer and enforce the Republican legislation that guarantees equal access to school facilities by student religious groups†(Republican Party Platform ). The Democratic Party had a similar
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Case Study for Clinical Microbiology A Model Enteric Pathogen
Question: 1. Based on the information presented, what is the primary diagnosis?2. Which of the biochemical tests presented is MOST distinctive for this organism? Why?3. Which of the above test results is most selective/differential for this diagnosis? Why?4. Differentiate between Vi and H serotyping. What is being tested (antibody or antigen) and identify the location of each on the microorganism. Answer: Case study 1-Mariya 1. Ova and parasite analysis of Marias stool revealed the presence of trophozoites with centrally located bands and two eccentrically located nuclei. The cysts were thin-walled, smooth and 8-12 m wide. From this description, it can be interpreted that Maria had a Giardia lambia infection. 2. Marias report shown that that there was absence of C. difficile, the cyst were definitely belongs to some parasitic group. The cysts were oval shaped and the length was also similar to the Giardia cysts, 8-12 m approximately. The distinct nature of the centrally located bands with eccentrically located nuclei and prominent central karyosome showed similarity with Giardia parasite. In addition, her history identified that she had fieldwork in Colorado, where she worked with animals and contaminated water. Giardia lamblia is a water-borne pathogen. Usually, symptoms of giardiasis appear after one to three weeks of infection. The time scaled mached with her externship. 3. The centrally located bands often seen in the identified parasite Giardia lambia, are known as Axostyle. It helps the parasite by providing support and helps in motility. 4. Physician could suspect Cryptosporidium parvum, which is one of the major causes of water-borne disease in US. Cyclospora cayetanensis and Entamoeba histolytica have very similar symptoms, which could be suspected, but these are mainly acquired during travelling to tropical areas. 5. Recommended timing for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites usually varies according to different diagnostic kits. Three specimens are usually collected for increasing the chance of detecting correct parasite, as parasites shed intermittently. However, the procedures should be completed on separate days, separate times (Cheng, 2012). 6. In ova and parasite analysis, both concentrate and permanent stained slides are required. It is because, concentrate wet mount exhibits motility of the parasites, but unable to identify the features of cysts and trophozoites. Wet mounts are easy to perform and faster procedure. On the other hand, the trichrome stained slides help to examine parasitic ova and cyst morphology and allow to preserve the specimen. It also gives the confirmation of parasites identity. 7. When the physician ordered C. difficile, he suspected that the pathogen might passed in feces and transmitted through fecal oral route. Maria was likely to live in an unhygienic environment, when she was working with animals in the sanctuary. On the other hand, C. difficile infection is usually caused because antibiotics destroy normal flora and allows this organism to overgrow. 8. Marias history showed her practice of consuming old antibiotics. In spite of having little stomach ache a diarrhea, however, the antibiotics could have killed the normal flora, which helped the overgrowth of C. difficile. 9. The C. difficile toxin assay is based on the polymerase chain reaction or PCR reaction. In the first step, increasing heat to 95 C, the DNA in the sample are denatured and the strands are separated. In the next step, primers are added at lowered temperature, these primers bind to the specific genes of interest. Then, with heat resistant DNA polymerase enzyme, sequences are copied on each half of the helix (Cheng, 2012). The process is then repeated for 30 to 40 cycles to produce billions of DNA copies. 10. The C. difficile toxin assay is favored over culture, as a method of diagnosing this disease because the culture required 2-3 days to grow. Cutlture method cannot distinguish between colonization and overgrowth of a microorganism. On the other hand, PCR method is faster and provides accurate results. This process is very sensitive towards the toxin B. However, the assay is much costly compared to the conventional culture technique (Wensaas et al., 2012). Case study 2: 22 years old male 1. Based on the information presented in the case study, the primary diagnosis was that the patient was suffering from an enteric disease. The patient revealed that when he was bin India, he experienced watery diarrhea. Other vital signs were normal. His present symptoms were intermittent and generalized sweating with chills, fatigue, myalgia, left parietal headache and malaise. The test results suggested that the organism was a gram-negative non-fecal coliform bacterium. The differential diagnosis, biochemical results and serotyping tests confirmed the presence of S. typhimurium. 2. Within the biochemical tests done for identifying the microorganism in the patients feces, the SIM or the Sulfide-Indole-Motility medium is the best for differentiating the organism from the others similar organisms. It is because, this tests is performed for distinguishing between E. coli and S. enterica. Three distinctive characteristics can be analyzed through this test, the ability to produce sulfide, indole and mortility. E. coli is fecal coliform, thus produce indole, but S. enterica, being a non-fecal coliform, does not produce indole, which is a distinctive feature (Broz, Ohlson Monack, 2012).. On the other hand, Salmonella sp. has the ability to produce H2S, which E. coli cannot. Therefore, this is the most distinctive test. In contrast, TSI gives positive results for Salmonella and Shigella. 3. Within all the tests, including the biochemical, serotyping and susceptibility tests, the most selective or differential test is the setotyping test, the slide agglutination test with Salmonella polyvalent O antigen antiserum and Vi antigen antigen antiserum. It is the test, which can precisely indentify the presence of S. typhi within its other serotypes. As the patients sample showed a negative oxidase, urease and indole test, the sample was tested for agglutination with polyvalent O and Vi antiserum. The agglunitation is seen due to the interaction within specific antigen and antibody, thereby specifiying the organism. The agglutination of the sample O antigen indicates the somatic antigens are present in the antisera (Khan et al., 2012). On the other hand, the agglutination with Vi antiserum indicates the presence of heat sensitive capsule present in S. typhi species. Thus, it is the most distinctive test. 4. The serotyping characterization is done on the basis of immunologic reactivity of two surface structures; the O antigen is the lipopolysaccharide and the H antigen is the flagellin protein. The O antigen is a carbohydrate antigen; it is the most important one for determining serotype. This antigen is found in the LPS of the organism (Khan et al., 2012). On the other hand, H antigen is a protein antigen, found in the flagella of the organism. In both cases, antigen is tested. Reference List Broz, P., Ohlson, M. B., Monack, D. M. (2012). Innate immune response to Salmonella typhimurium, a model enteric pathogen.Gut microbes,3(2), 62-70. Cheng, T. C. (2012).General parasitology. Elsevier. Khan, S., Harish, B. N., Menezes, G. A., Acharya, N. S., Parija, S. C. (2012). Early diagnosis of typhoid fever by nested PCR for flagellin gene of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi.The Indian journal of medical research,136(5), 850. Wensaas, K. A., Langeland, N., Hanevik, K., Mrch, K., Eide, G. E., Rortveit, G. (2012). Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue 3 years after acute giardiasis: historic cohort study.Gut,61(2), 214-219.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Two Foscari Monologue Essay Summary Example For Students
The Two Foscari Monologue Essay Summary A monologue from the play by Lord Byron NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Lord Byron: Six Plays. Lord Byron. Los Angeles: Black Box Press, 2007. MARINA: That\s false! A truer, nobler, trustier heart, More loving, or more loyal, never beat Within a human breast. I would not change My exiled, persecuted, mangled husband, Oppress\d but not disgraced, crush\d, overwhelm\d, Alive, or dead, for prince or paladin In story or in fable, with a world To back his suit. Dishonour\d!â€â€he dishonour\d! I tell thee, Doge, \tis Venice is dishonour\d; His name shall be her foulest, worst reproach, For what he suffers, not for what he did. \Tis ye who are all traitors, tyrant!â€â€ye! Did you but love your country like this victim Who totters back in chains to tortures, and Submits to all things rather than to exile, You\d fling yourselves before him, and implore His grace for your enormous guilt. We will write a custom essay on The Two Foscari Monologue Summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
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